I've compared this bill to a laxative, meant to clear the big shitpile from the colon of the world's financial...
Read moreDetailsDemocrats have an historic opportunity to craft a bill they like, to pass it over Republican objections, and to take...
Read moreDetailsIf this Big Shitpile isn't cleared from the world's financial colon, you soon won't be able to get a mortgage....
Read moreDetailsYou walk into the market and offer to buy these CDOs, now priced at zero, at some price set by...
Read moreDetailsJim Bunning wants you to die for his principles. Chris Dodd wants to try something which many smart people think...
Read moreDetailsI don't think McCain can get enough loyalty out of his caucus to defy Wall Street and the markets. But...
Read moreDetailsWhen the money power moves across the aisle, so does a governing majority. New myths will be spun explaining this,...
Read moreDetailsWe have money. The banks need time. We should be able to make money on this.
Read moreDetailsI'm not putting a dime of money to work until Warren Buffett calls that bottom. And neither should you.
Read moreDetailsBut the lesson being taught by the Right is precisely the wrong lesson. Markets must be regulated. There must be...
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