When you're feeling hopeless about the current energy crisis, think about this. By simply changing motors and adding carbon nanotube...
Read moreDetailsThis is the kind of project any school child can do. The Web site which ran this project could be...
Read moreDetailsAssuming Obama is elected (and that's no longer a major assumption) I hope he understands that what his computer people...
Read moreDetailsThere are few guarantees with cutting-edge university research, especially in materials science. You can't say Lockheed is "stealing" the commercial...
Read moreDetailsOrganic communities like these grow organically. You water it, you fertilize it, and you will accept "no" as an answer...
Read moreDetailsWhat we're really creating is a dollar bubble. It's a short-term phenomenon because traders are no stupider than home buyers....
Read moreDetailsI don't think a politician telling Americans they can compete in the world economy is going to get any mileage...
Read moreDetailsMedia coverage of the Big Shitpile has ignored the Big Fact. This happened because unregulated markets were allowed to be...
Read moreDetailsWhile the cost of all this is large for the direct financial benefit, even at current prices, I like to...
Read moreDetailsAny conventional analysis shows we're nowhere near the bottom in real estate, and with those loans tied to so many...
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