What we did with housing in this decade is precisely what was done with stocks during the 1920s. With no...
Read moreDetailsI am sick and tired of this crap about what "we" can't "afford" to have happen. As far as I'm...
Read moreDetailsFocus on production and you address the real problems Americans face, on both Wall Street and Main Street. Production was...
Read moreDetailsAll the proposals I've heard -- whether from Wall Street, the Fed, from politicians -- still fail to accept that,...
Read moreDetailsThere are a lot of energy saving, and energy producing ideas, which make no sense at $30/barrel but which make...
Read moreDetailsThe secret sauce of Obama's campaign, from the very start, has been that he has the best CRM in the...
Read moreDetailsThe answer is to start paying down debt. The answer is to start producing more goods. The answer is to...
Read moreDetailsWe need to change our frame, change our focus, change our choice of weaponry, while maintaining the same sense of...
Read moreDetailsIf you really know me, if you really trust me, you'll buy my recommendation now like magic. If you really...
Read moreDetailsPakistan is not the cartoon we make of it. Pakistan is a complex, robust society of over 100 million people,...
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