In all Mr. Hazinski's grandiloquence on the "professional" nature of what is, in the end, a trade, he never once...
Read moreDetailsThe fact that our telecom marketplace is becoming dominated by men like Carlos Slim should be a great danger signal...
Read moreDetailsThe average home today is worth about twice what it should be. That means second mortgages and other notes based...
Read moreDetailsIt will take at least four years to end the insanity. If you're in the market for a home during...
Read moreDetailsThe best argument for a general U.S. recession is this. The U.S. consumer has been pulling the world economic train...
Read moreDetailsThe idea was to make a pile on the shit, but the shit stunk up the whole pile. Thus, shitpile.
Read moreDetailsJust get some fuel cells, powered by geothermal power, instead of by coal or gas. The geothermal energy here lies...
Read moreDetails2008 will be hard for everyone, not just the neocons. It will be worse for them, much worse. Many of...
Read moreDetailsNow, while Hillary Clinton (who was Bill's real Vice President anyway) continues on her Nixon-like quest for the Presidency, Al...
Read moreDetailsInstead of building with a semiconductor, turning parts of it into a conductor using heat and oxidation, Intel is going...
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