If we can set a price floor, if we can guarantee that current prices will hold long enough for alternatives...
Read moreDetailsInsulating buildings in the South so they conform to standards of the North would save billions of dollars. Why aren't...
Read moreDetailsThat gas pump in front of you should be the Pearl Harbor of The War Against Oil we need to...
Read moreDetailsWhen we look back on this era, I believe, historians will see an intimate connection between the rise of the...
Read moreDetailsThe greatest hope for American gains in this area, believe it or not, lies with the oil companies. By reordering...
Read moreDetailsThe print media is in its death throes. But newsprint is not the culprit this time. The price for newsprint...
Read moreDetailsHow low do prices go? I don't know. It depends on the market, on the underlying economy, on the local...
Read moreDetailsAmerica's pollution, its own insatiable appetite for hydrocarbons, is indeed threatening Canada. We're threatening to seize its seacoasts, we're threatening...
Read moreDetailsWith proper diagnosis and treatment, most of those with mental illness can function and contribute to society. Cho Seung-Hui was...
Read moreDetailsThe War Against Oil cannot be won unless material science improvements are made an absolute priority, and unless putting such...
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