Today there are many goods and services We, The People want and need, but for which there is no business...
Read moreIf people like Donald Trump and Paul Ryan can get the support of most Americans, with all Americans being given...
Read moreGoogle executives got anything they wanted out of Obama. They’re getting nothing out of Trump. They have long memories. Unlike...
Read moreIt costs a lot more to treat someone who is sick than to treat them when they’re well, just as...
Read moreThe government is in the hands of idiots because the idiots voted for it. What they wanted,what they still see,...
Read moreA new Democratic Party is about to emerge, focused on broadening access to technology on a global scale, and fighting...
Read moreBeneath the surface of the year’s headlines you will see technology move to take responsibility for the world it has...
Read moreAs the Internet industries learn who their friends are, learn who their enemies are, and learn to look out for...
Read moreTrump is a direct threat to the technology industries. He wants higher resource prices. More important, his ultra-nationalism is a...
Read moreUnlike every other nation on the face of the Earth, America is an idea. That idea is democratic legitimacy.
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