I’ll believe the promises of a company like Stable Diffusion only after their code is donated to something like Eclipse...
Read moreDetailsWhen any politician gets ahead of their skis, people rein them in. That’s happening to Republicans across the country, even...
Read moreDetailsNo matter how restrictive the system, its leaders are always subject to the actions of their people.
Read moreDetailsFather Time is undefeated. You can’t have an unlimited draw from a limited pool. We must make choices.
Read moreDetailsWhat if Amazon offered used readers, in bulk, to people in states that are banning books, and in school districts...
Read moreDetailsBusiness pressure seldom makes headlines, as in the case of Disney. It’s more subtle. It is exercised in quiet meetings...
Read moreDetailsThe economy says these are the best of times. The headlines say they’re the worst.
Read moreDetailsBeing a citizen in a democratic system takes a lot of time, a lot of energy, a lot of money,...
Read moreDetailsWe need more cops in the suites. We need more prosecutions, more convictions, and more people who were once masters...
Read moreDetailsSociety is way behind in adapting its rules to this new liquid culture. It makes everything precarious for everyone.
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