Atlanta’s great success as a city came from desegregation, from giving everyone full access to what the city has to...
Read moreDetailsAs the e-transport revolution rolls on, speed limits are the key to progress. America is a suburban nation, where 35...
Read moreDetailsHow can America build the kind of bike network found in places like the Netherlands? It’s a future I won’t...
Read moreDetailsAn American suburb is a one-story affair. It grows into a city that way. People will “drive until they qualify,”...
Read moreDetailsIt's MARTA, which claims to “serve” metro Atlanta, but doesn’t even serve the city. (Shown is the mostly-empty south parking...
Read moreDetailsEveryone wants to talk about the Election today. I don’t. Instead, I want to talk about what separates car cities...
Read moreDetails“The Sun shines. The wind blows. The tides roll. And we live on a molten rock.” Version 1.0.0 I started...
Read moreDetailsHoward Schultz has a savior complex. For a quarter century, Schultz has either been running Starbucks or watching a hand-picked...
Read moreDetailsAn e-bike is not a bicycle. This picture tells part of that story. I’m almost 70. I have difficulty bicycling...
Read moreDetailsAmerican urban design changed radically after World War II. Cars like wide roads. They’re noisy, they’re dirty. But we’re locked...
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