CNN resident legal idiot Jeffrey Toobin said today that "lots of athletes have come back from wife-beating charges," and this...
Read moreDetailsDuring a time of crisis there are many important things which can't be said without comedy. The assumptions underlying policy...
Read moreDetailsFor the first time in literally decades, left-wing pressure has halted a right-wing show. A boundary has been set, on...
Read moreDetailsBlair was captured by Bush in the same way Clinton was. The Thesis marched forward, the AntiThesis marched behind. Hillary...
Read moreDetailsThe customer is always right. It's a bit like 186,000 miles/second. It's not just a good idea. It's the law.
Read moreDetailsThe networks will know these costs, and once they get the Google figures they will know how their own efforts...
Read moreDetailsA year or so ago this video would have been Torrented and there would be nothing the judge could do...
Read moreDetailsThe fact is that most of the raw material used in new creative products comes from old creative products. And...
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