Credibility, in the open source world, is not a commodity. That's what I mean when I write, "We're all journalists...
Read moreDetailsJust because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. And it doesn't mean they won't get you,...
Read moreDetailsWhere the Internet has been failing -- where the liberal blogosphere has been failing -- is that it, too, has...
Read moreDetailsIn terms of raw political power, the "out" party is practically much closer to power than was the case 40...
Read moreDetailsThose without demand a share in what others have, at minimum the chance to earn one. When their political and...
Read moreDetailsA key to the Netroots challenge is the charge that the Washington Democratic party is out of touch, that it...
Read moreDetailsIf this were an industry like any other, the Weblogsinc sale would mean barriers to entry in this busness were...
Read moreDetailsIt's the business model, stupid. The open source business model is better for the economy. Selling services and support, showing...
Read moreDetailsThis week I have many of the thoughts you have been reading here for a week, only in a condensed,...
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