In the end, you can't stop ideas from spreading. You never could. As technology improves they just spread faster, no...
Read moreDetailsHow about forming an App Developers Union so the minnows can assert their rights publicly, and in court, against not...
Read moreDetailsGoogle didn't have time to invent its way out of trouble -- the lawsuits were coming in too thick-and-fast --...
Read moreDetailsGiven the government's clear policy favoring open source, and the breadth of the patent's claims, my guess is Bedrock will...
Read moreDetailsWhat's really at issue is that i4i bought the French inventor (left) for its patent while Microsoft hired its XML...
Read moreDetailsChina is not going to go back down the technology food chain just because an American or European court says...
Read moreDetailsWhat all those suing Google will fail to do, Microsoft and Oracle and the rest, is to drive either Android...
Read moreDetailsWhat's at stake is the principle that innovation is driven by competition.
Read moreDetailsOnly Congress has the power to recall the lawyers now marching for software patents, but that won't happen in a...
Read moreDetailsStandards grow markets faster than any proprietary offering. Some 40 years of technology history argues for it.
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