The industry, or industries, that provide the most added-value to each generation controls our politics. What they do, in their...
Read moreDetailsTrump’s trade war is going to do to American workers what Bush’s Iraq war did to thousands of American families....
Read moreDetailsThose who would use my tolerance to impose their intolerance must be resisted. That’s true for everyone until the war...
Read moreDetailsWhat the Republican party is left with is the investing class, the religious right, militarists, racists and “deplorables,” what the...
Read moreDetailsTrumpism, and that brand of conservativism, must become as anathema as Nazism became for Germans after World War II.
Read moreDetailsIt is time for a radical re-think of how government works, of how liberty can be expanded but also ordered,...
Read moreDetailsWhat about the 43% who still love them some Trump?
Read moreDetailsIt’s a policy tsunami, a complete reorganization of over one-sixth of the economy.
Read moreDetailsThe conflict now starting in Turkey and Iran looks like a winner to many American analysts. It’s a loser. Trump...
Read moreDetailsFreedom isn’t free. It’s the most expensive type of governing there is, because it demands so much from the governed....
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