Everyone needs to be an entrepreneur in the 21st century. Is that being taught in schools? In colleges? No. It’s...
Read moreDetailsA path toward the Obama Thesis of Consensus succeeding is clear. The politics of today supports its being accomplished, but...
Read moreDetailsThere’s a power vacuum. In thousands of towns, large and small, suburban, exurban and rural. Political power is losing its...
Read moreDetailsThe new majority is going to be very fragile unless tech leaders, like Benioff, face squarely the responsibility that comes...
Read moreDetailsWinning doesn’t just mean some Americans win. It means we all win. And right now most of us are losing,...
Read moreDetailsRecycling people is the great challenge of our time.
Read moreDetailsUntil politicians and pundits wake up to the economics of what is happening, they will be body-slammed by Donald Trump,...
Read moreDetailsWill we be one nation, or make war against one another, and the machines that serve us? Will our fears...
Read moreDetailsDeath took Scalia. Term limits are removing Obama. Whose path will “We, the People” choose to follow now? We will...
Read moreDetailsMy guess is that the Republicans will overplay their hand. My guess is that they will get technology leaders angry...
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