As vital as it is to tell the poor that, by dint of brains and hard work you can rise...
Read moreDetailsFrom online trolls at Reddit to political trolls like Donald Trump, to ultimate trolls like ISIS, this decade had been...
Read moreDetailsWe are the model, no one else, we are what the world is moving toward, and the way to stay...
Read moreDetailsWhat we’re going to see, over the next year, is more-and-more overt participation by the technology industry in our politics.
Read moreDetailsWe need a whole new generation of young people willing to go into public service for the right reasons. It’s...
Read moreDetailsIt can be difficult to hear the sound of winning, from the other side of any divide, because it often...
Read moreDetailsEvery election represents a conflict, with choices. Some, like the Crisis Election of 2008, are hard. Others, like the Validation...
Read moreDetailsA new course has been set, a new direction has been taken, and the world I leave my children, while...
Read moreDetailsMrs. Clinton is William Howard Taft. Her election will validate what came before her, just as Taft validated Roosevelt. She...
Read moreDetailsIn the Information War all thinking people can be weapons of war, deployable at a moment's notice, on any side...
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