Anyone who tells you this election doesn’t matter is someone you need to shun, now, and you need to tell...
Read moreDetailsAnyone who stands against renewable energy, no matter their reason, stands with the Oil Power. Go after them as though...
Read moreDetailsWe need a Reagan, a Roosevelt, not a Nixon, not a McKinley. We need what Obama himself had in 2008,...
Read moreDetailsThis President is being hurt far more by his friends these days than by his enemies. They’re letting the perfect...
Read moreDetailsWe face a struggle to create laws, and institutions, that work everywhere, from which the ultra-wealthy and rich corporations cannot...
Read moreDetailsKeeping liberty, democracy and capitalism in balance is an ongoing, messy process. It requires enormous goodwill, on the part of...
Read moreDetailsEven a draw at this point would be unparalleled success for a President in Barack Obama's position.
Read moreDetailsThe transformation President Obama has begun in world markets, aimed ultimately at addressing the most potent threat to our survival...
Read moreDetailsWhile Jefferson sought limited government, he also sought a limited society, and a limited economy. It's wonderful rhetoric, but it...
Read moreDetailsWhat comes through history first as tragedy can reappear, with the lesson learned, in the form of farce.
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