Think of this as Volume 17, Number 39 of the newsletter I have written weekly since March, 1997. Enjoy. A...
Read moreDetailsWhen you try to impose your morality on me – any morality – you're imposing a subjective set of standards...
Read moreDetailsThe physician had a regular and assured income, and that was an advantage to him; the family were safe from...
Read moreDetailsWhen the solution to a problem lies in people changing, the only thing you can do is walk away, and...
Read moreDetailsBy eliminating aid to young people now, you get a generation of underweight, undereducated criminals, who have to be jailed...
Read moreDetailsThe rise of conservatives in media, in the culture, is actually a good thing. They're defending institutions and morals while...
Read moreDetailsIf the law is wrong, change it. But if technology exists, don't deny it. Don't feed the paranoia machine –...
Read moreDetailsIn the end, democracy will choose ordered liberty over chaos and anarchy. Every time. And for this we should be...
Read moreDetailsTribalism is the Third American Civil War. The first was fought with guns in the 1860s, the second with defiant...
Read moreDetailsWe need a Gun Owners Anonymous.
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