Once you've got yours, it's so easy to just build a wall and forget the lesson, to dehumanize the “other,”...
Read moreDetailsBetween the death of Andrew Breitbart, the right's favorite agent provacateur, and Rush Limbaugh finally going too far, with conservatives...
Read moreDetailsShould cooks really have to attend a college in order to cook? Should people running radiology machines need a degree...
Read moreDetailsJust as the Nixon Shock let the economy deal with the natural deflation of Moore's Law, so ObamaCare is essential...
Read moreDetailsPolitics drives business toward what's new, towards the future, and away from what was, no matter how much business might...
Read moreDetailsPolitically, demographics are destiny. For the Nixon Thesis it was the suburbanization of America. For Obama it's youth and diversity.
Read moreDetailsEven if you don't know that Obama bailed-out Chrysler and GM while Romney said no, you will be November. It...
Read moreDetailsCopyright is both a finished good and a raw material. Its value lies in the fact that it's both, and...
Read moreDetailsSteve Jobs did something generations of political leaders have been unable to do. He cemented the alliance between China and...
Read moreDetailsWhether you see Newt Gingrich as a threat depends entirely on whether you see what he's selling as snake oil...
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