What changes with each American generation is the fulcrum of the economy, the dominant medium, and the key to organization....
Read moreDetailsIn the end, you can't stop ideas from spreading. You never could. As technology improves they just spread faster, no...
Read moreDetailsTomorrow our children will face another crisis, even more terrible than ours, a world that can be terraformed and must...
Read moreDetailsWhen places like Wasilla no longer make any economic sense, when commutes cost too much and office jobs are like...
Read moreDetailsWhat if everything you were taught was true, all of your life, was suddenly revealed to be false? What if...
Read moreDetailsLet's finally end the hunter-gatherer era. Let's harvest the abundance all around us. Instead of complaining about the scarcity of...
Read moreDetailsThe fact that one in three Republicans are inclined to oppose anyone who accepts the President's birthplace as Hawaii does...
Read moreDetailsThere is no such thing as unemployment. Not in America. There is, instead, a mismatch among our skills, our expectations,...
Read moreDetailsThe windows are broken, the criminals are ravaging our economy, and they've corrupted every agency of government. Where is the...
Read moreDetailsThink of this as Volume 15, Number 16 of A-Clue.com, the online newsletter I've written since 1997. Enjoy. Every generation's...
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