If you want to win stand for something, and play offense. And if you want to know what politics is...
Read moreDetailsThink of this as Volume 12, Number 48 of A-Clue.com, the online newsletter I've written since 1997. Enjoy. Ever take...
Read moreDetailsThose who choose to live outside should be made to live there. That's the way power works.
Read moreDetailsReal journalism has to answer to the market. Astro-journalism needs only wingnut welfare to survive. It is entirely a creation...
Read moreDetailsBetween the silence that enables and the confrontation that leads to violence there is a way to stop this nonsense....
Read moreDetailsParadise never results from ideology, whether that ideology is religious, allegedly scientific, or frankly nationalistic. Everyone's paradise is different, most...
Read moreDetailsViolent rhetoric that is not confronted and put down inevitably escalates to actual violence. There is a history of this...
Read moreDetailsIt was the marriage with populism that destroyed Democrats' chances between 1896 and 1932, so the strategy should be to...
Read moreDetailsPresident Obama must evolve, first into Nixon and then into Reagan. He must name the enemy, state clearly the new...
Read moreDetailsGeorge W. Bush left America and the world broken. In the end he was James Buchanan. Either Barack Obama remakes...
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