Elections are choices. We trust the people to make the right choice. Will they, in the end, choose the code...
Read moreDetailsThey built a bridge to the 19th century then blew up the bridge. Only raving paranoia can tie it all...
Read moreDetailsI can't be free unless you are not. I cannot feel wealthy unless you are poor. Life is a zero-sum...
Read moreDetailsThe government can do right. Private industry can do wrong. Deal with it. Sure, if your government is run by...
Read moreDetailsConservatives should join the War Against Oil because it's an economic imperative. It's not just national security, it's profit.
Read moreDetailsThere is enormous potential for the Georgia Democratic Party. But it has to stand for something. It has to get...
Read moreDetailsThe only way to effectively fight the terrors of Mugabe, or of Darfur, or of Burma, or even of China...
Read moreDetailsSo for Vice President, I offer the name no one has yet mentioned, the man who created the movement, Barack...
Read moreDetailsLight is a better disinfectant than revenge. Revenge merely leads to more revenge. Light causes permanent changes in the body...
Read moreDetailsWill we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor again? And if so, to what? To dealing with...
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