In every generation, the American people change well before their leaders. Our leaders remain obsessed with the wind that doesn't...
Read moreDetailsI don't assume George W. Bush did any of this -- the wild spending, the war, the surveillance, the un-regulation,...
Read moreDetailsRunning against Nixon is a narrative which puts the 2008 choice into perspective, and which will create enthusiasm for a...
Read moreDetailsObama is, sad to say, lost without my book. My book? Well, when your subject heading of "political philosophy" approaches...
Read moreDetailsGreat words, delivered with pure hearts, are in the end just words. Everyone else judges you by your actions. It's...
Read moreDetailsOne of the smaller, and more delicious, scandals now brewing is something I've written about here before. This is the...
Read moreDetailsIt's partly because of our longer life spans that the eerie, BizarroWorld comparisons between our time and 1967 come so...
Read moreDetailsToday's Democratic Party is coalescing around Hillary Clinton for the very same reasons Republicans rallied to Nixon. They fear standing...
Read moreDetailsA military dictatorship would have no economy, and would be an American client. An Islamic dictatorship would also have no...
Read moreDetailsNixon's answers to these questions were no different, and no better, than those Atrios and Digby offer now. In Nixon's...
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