Panic is easy. Panic is also self-indulgent. It is hard to see ourselves the way the world sees us, but...
Read moreDetailsFor many of my black neighbors, it's still 1967, but 1967 as it was in white America. Remember, we're now...
Read moreDetailsPeople of faith have OD'ed on hate and are slowly rejecting it, just as 40 years ago middle America overdosed...
Read moreDetailsThe all-American answer to this is to let innovators such as HyPower Fuel give their ideas a go in the...
Read moreDetailsWhen we break great events down like this, we get a reaction to them. The reaction is gratifying. But we're...
Read moreDetailsMost Democrats today prefer the assured victory of the Money Wing to the riskier but greater win which can be...
Read moreDetailsJust like the "Afghan Freedom Fighters" we supported in the 1980s evolved, eventually, into Al Qaeda. The next wave of...
Read moreDetailsHere's a good example, the 1999 book FDR and His Enemies, by Arthur Fried. Written in 1999, it's the best...
Read moreDetailsAnyone can be evil. Anyone can endorse evil, support evil, do evil. It's not "inhuman" or "sub-human" to do this....
Read moreDetailsThe most important task of the next American government is to restore flexibility to our system. This comes in many...
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