Ron Paul is the Eugene McCarthy of 1968 because he's willing to toss out a stand the grassroots want out...
Read moreDetailsJust as the right, 40 years ago, would complain "we saw it years ago," so the left is singing a...
Read moreDetailsWhen you get a mass of people switching parties and doing it completely, you give them red meat, not gristle....
Read moreDetailsIt may be George W. Bush's greatest achievement -- the utter destruction of the party of Lincoln, of Teddy Roosevelt,...
Read moreDetailsI have two young people at my home, and both see the world mainly in black-and-white, without many shades of...
Read moreDetailsThe violent fantasies we're seeing online right now are going to become violence itself, as the new majority view moves...
Read moreDetailsThe power of political myth and values, of a political thesis, to bias us, often unconsciously, is enormous. That's why...
Read moreDetailsNarrow your view of what constitutes a really bad trip, accept as many as reasonably possible, strive to keep the...
Read moreDetailsWe are responsible for what happens. We can't pass it off to any small set of individuals, to any grand...
Read moreDetailsThe only way for slavery to end was for Americans to kill it, through force of arms. The only way...
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