For the last 40 years liberals have suffered a tactical problem. They have allowed the Big Lie to be sold....
Read moreDetailsThere is, at times like this, a crying need among new recruits to a political cause for revenge, the equivalent...
Read moreDetailsWashington reporters assume they know the "true" story of what's going on. They don't. It's a hall of mirrors they...
Read moreDetailsRage, whether in the form of a Rebel Yell during battle or in the form of a made-up controversy in...
Read moreDetailsEverything we have inherited from our forefathers -- the roads, the water system, the heating system, the Earth, the Internet...
Read moreDetailsThe Netroots today does not have to be practical. It doesn't have to triangulate. If it wants to become relevant...
Read moreDetailsWhat is true in business is true in government. The fewer people you listen to, the more you make your...
Read moreDetailsWashington Democrats are losers. They have become habituated to losing. The only way the party can achieve success is by...
Read moreDetailsLiberals are feeling besieged even as they're becoming the vast majority. That's normal.
Read moreDetailsThe better angels of our nature are those which are hardest to follow, those which demand the most from us,...
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