It sometimes seems a deliberate plot, the idea that if outrage can be piled upon outrage upon outrage, in ever-higher...
Read moreDetailsMultiply the sense of outrage a hundred-fold, add in tactical and practical knowledge gained in watching Islam's own Holy War...
Read moreDetailsConsensus, as a governing process, starts with areas of agreement and works outward. Conflict, the governing process under which we...
Read moreDetailsRight now, after 40 years in which American politics have been defined by conflict, and 65 years where world affairs...
Read moreDetailsThe Washington Post can blather all it wants about how unfair bloggers are, but you can find the facts here...
Read moreDetailsOpen source transforms market relationships between vendors and customers, between employer and employee . By placing source code in a...
Read moreDetailsToday's Republicans, like Hoover, intend to invoke the past in order to attempt to gain the future. They will talk...
Read moreDetailsUpper Left believes that Obama is a tabula rasa, a man in search of a governing Thesis. The Internet Thesis...
Read moreDetailsI'm a big Harry Truman fan. But we live in a time when the assumptions under which we have lived...
Read moreDetailsIf we can end the Cold War, as it was in the 1950s, we can win the War On Terror,...
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