It is absolutely certain that some catastrophe on a Katrina-like scale is going to hit, somewhere in this world, over...
Read moreDetailsJust as in Goldwater's time, Netroots Democrats have begun building a real infrastructure that can have that discussion. Since that...
Read moreDetailsCarol Shea Porter was out-spent 10-1 in a Democratic primary and won it. She was given no money by Rahm...
Read moreDetailsConsensus leaves room for what you might call trolls, people who are violently opposed to the change I seek, who...
Read moreDetailsEthics comes into play only when you have a choice. It's whether you tell yourself the truth about yourself –...
Read moreDetailsThe guess here is that it will take some time before the Southern Exurbans allow themselves to be led by...
Read moreDetailsAll the tricks being deployed by the present Administration are a full generation old. They never had anything new to...
Read moreDetailsDespite press claims that the blogosphere is just about crazy, misleading back-and-forth, the blogosphere (like the Internet itself) is not...
Read moreDetailsThe tool to meet these challenges is in your hands, it's right in front of your eyes. This medium. Yet...
Read moreDetailsA generational crisis always results in a battle within the newly victorious party. This is usually a war between insurgents...
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