You'll know when we get into a real war. You'll know when we're all called to sacrifice, to give up...
Read moreDetailsThe leaders of this time and most of the winners of this year will be transitional figures. The open source...
Read moreDetailsWhat Democrats are lining up to do, now that they feel brave (due to the President's declining poll numbers) is...
Read moreDetailsAre we more fascist than before? Yes. Are we fascist? No. But the border is murky. The real question is,...
Read moreDetailsHistory says the real battle is yet to come, and it hints loudly of the outcome. But real history is...
Read moreDetailsHow can we condemn Shiite or Sunni clerics for their teachings, and the result of those teachings, while we allow...
Read moreDetailsI remain convinced that at the heart of the next governing thesis will be the Internet ideals of transparency, openness,...
Read moreDetailsNo one has the power to destroy American except Americans. Because we are enslaved to the example of Chamberlain at...
Read moreDetailsRight or wrong isn't the point here. The point is excess. The point is crisis. The point is that, for...
Read moreDetailsCopyright and patent reform are going to become key issues as those who practice open source politics reach power. The...
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