The ideals and values of the Internet, in other words, work. They're ideals, but they're not just ideals.
Read moreDetailsThe essence of what must happen in our time is the replacement of the Zero Sum Game – its politics,...
Read moreDetailsIn this kind of environment, everything is automatically questioned. Astroturf campaigns - like those the Bells are trying to run...
Read moreDetailsThe Internet provides a means with which we can deal with all our existing problems, if we liberate it, if...
Read moreDetailsFilters should be run locally, and the default should be letting sites through, not blocking them. Restricting our kids to...
Read moreDetailsSome 40 years ago, the democracy of FDR faced the same kind of crisis, and had the same kind of...
Read moreDetailsWhat was needed, at all these times, were new political myths, new values, in order to create a new meaning...
Read moreDetailsIt's the biggest lie of the 20th century. Bigger than any whopper told by Hitler, or Stalin, or Mao Zedong....
Read moreDetailsNotice that these are optimistic values, liberating values. They're the values of 1776, and of 1860, and of 1932. A...
Read moreDetailsPublishers determine the politics of media, and publishers have, historically, been very conservative. Medill was a right-winger. The Chandler family...
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