How can the free web survive if you break up the Cloud Czars? How will the clouds be paid for...
Read moreDetailsNo industry funnels as much money into government, at every level, as real estate. In no area is the gulf...
Read moreDetailsThere’s a complex dance going on right now, between business activists who have found themselves thrown into the Democratic coalition,...
Read moreDetailsIf cities don't deliver a development model that assures an upper middle-class majority, they will become urban hellholes again very...
Read moreDetailsThe war between Trumpistan and Techlandia isn’t a political war. It’s an economic war.
Read moreDetailsFocus on the money. Focus on where the money comes from. Focus on what that money is trying to do,...
Read moreDetailsPeople weren’t confident in late 1863 or early 1942, either. But the tide had turned. The tide is turning.
Read moreDetailsDefeating Trumpism requires that we reckon with his historical antecedents. It requires a more direct confrontation with the Religious Right....
Read moreDetailsiI delivering jobs and prosperity is worthless in the face of a race war, then maybe democracy isn’t a good...
Read moreDetailsRich people should be more in favor of the Biden plan than poor people. If they invest in people, the...
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