Representative government, requires a process and social contract that respects all sides. It also requires real engagement from both sides...
Read moreDetailsEgypt and Tunisia are middle class revolutions, not open source revolutions. They are the products of mass education and engagement...
Read moreDetailsGet the rigs warmed up, writes the Houston Chronicle. Warmed up for what?
Read moreDetailsZdnet-logo-big By building an essentially proprietary system, with his own resources, Markos has taken his eye off that ball.
Read moreDetailsThe Internet has changed how economies work. As an economy becomes dependent on open Internet access, even if that's just...
Read moreDetailsYou can't build a modern society without trained minds.
Read moreDetailsThere is no reason why someone like Markos Moulitsas can't hire someone like Keith Olbermann to run a daily news...
Read moreDetailsThe singular idea behind the Obama Thesis of Consensus is ending this American Civil Cold War. This angers the Left,...
Read moreDetailsWhat analysts always fail to understand is that people buy tomorrow. Once a trend becomes evident, money moves to follow...
Read moreDetailsFact is, maximizing our alternative energy output takes planning. Short term prices can be manipulated. They can fall in the...
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