Joe Biden is a conservative just as Richard Nixon was a liberal. Only in retrospect.
Read moreDetailsWhy are so many people, in all political camps, telling people things are hopeless, that the fascists can win, that...
Read moreDetailsNo matter how much you may want it, a war between China and the U.S. would be a disaster. If...
Read moreDetailsThe cause of today's trouble is the same as that of the Civil War, change happening at ludicrous speed, scaring...
Read moreDetailsIf you want to understand today’s tech, and its global tensions, forget AI. Think about EUV. Think about the Dutch...
Read moreDetailsWhen any politician gets ahead of their skis, people rein them in. That’s happening to Republicans across the country, even...
Read moreDetailsNo matter how restrictive the system, its leaders are always subject to the actions of their people.
Read moreDetailsWhat if Amazon offered used readers, in bulk, to people in states that are banning books, and in school districts...
Read moreDetailsAmerica lost the electric car war because America lost the battery war. America lost the battery war because China kept...
Read moreDetailsBusiness pressure seldom makes headlines, as in the case of Disney. It’s more subtle. It is exercised in quiet meetings...
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