It doesn’t really matter who pays for health care. What matters is that someone has the power to say no...
Read moreDetailsOnce we understand that we’re all part of nature, that the area around our homes and offices is a natural...
Read moreDetailsBreaking up the Cloud Czars in the face of Moore’s Law is the dumbest idea ever.
Read moreDetailsTimes of peril are always times of violence. The Civil War was violent. The 1890s were violent. World War II...
Read moreDetailsThe cost of replacing oil with renewable power declines every day. New technology continues to come onto the market. At...
Read moreDetailsInterest rates of zero aren’t nearly cheap enough when the borrower lacks the money to pay back what was borrowed,...
Read moreDetailsThere’s a boiling anger in this country, and everyone thinks someone else is to blame.Let the courts sort it out,...
Read moreDetailsWe can’t have global Internet peace until we change our priorities, from focusing on regimes and territories to focusing on...
Read moreDetailsIf 2018 was the year when crime was stripped naked, with the MeToo movement, the Trump treason, and corporate theft,...
Read moreDetailsWe continue to destroy the wild places, the animals draw ever closer to our hearth fire, and they look to...
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