The Obama shock is a doubling of the average fuel economy for all cars and trucks produced by American companies,...
Read moreDetailsGore's fight for the planet has failed, as a moral and political exercise. It will only succeed as an economic...
Read moreDetailsIf Page were a "war time CEO" and not a focused competitor he'd see the opportunity there. Deliver broadband to...
Read moreDetailsThe Sun shines. The wind blows. The tides roll. We live on a molten rock. There is no energy shortage....
Read moreDetailsBy 2015, the Internet will be completely policed, and where you are will determine what you can do online. Freedom...
Read moreDetailsSomeone has to be the customer's man, not just at the bedside but in terms of costs. Insurers tried to...
Read moreDetailsGive us a secure identifier, tell those “mark of the beast” morons to shove it up their collective asses, and...
Read moreDetailsThe Cloud Backlash is Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) that obscures the real issues. What troubles the cloud are identity...
Read moreDetailsBack in 1995 Microsoft was actually hot, it was new, it was on the way up. Now it's old, it's...
Read moreDetailsGoogle is tip-toeing into the cloud space for the same reason it doesn't provide ISP or wireless phone service. Attracting...
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