A W3C committee would create, define, and maintain the codes. Site managers would get the codes through registrars. They wouldn't...
Read moreDetailsWhat has made health care Barack Obama's Vietnam was not his proposal, or his political skill in passing a bill....
Read moreDetailsWhat I would like from the President right now is the courage to speak this truth, to treat us as...
Read moreDetailsIf corporations are people, then corporations must die, no matter how much good they may do, no matter their apparent...
Read moreDetailsThe more level the playing field -- the more we can make V=A-C the international standard for competitive advantage --...
Read moreDetailsThe problem with newspapers is not the Internet. The problem with newspapers was owners who thought the market should give...
Read moreDetailsThe choice is not between government and non-government. The choice is between government controlled by the people and government controlled...
Read moreDetailsTo those who argue that "the market" should be deciding our energy future, the truth is that our present energy...
Read moreDetailsListen to what your credit card company says, and be prepared to move if they try to push you around....
Read moreDetailsThere is, as yet, no one in the industry willing to wear the hair shirt, acknowledge the industry's faults, accept...
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