This story proves that the "War on Terrorism" of the last 6 years has been a crock. It has been...
Read moreDetailsThe government can do right. Private industry can do wrong. Deal with it. Sure, if your government is run by...
Read moreDetailsThere is enormous potential for the Georgia Democratic Party. But it has to stand for something. It has to get...
Read moreDetailsThe only way to effectively fight the terrors of Mugabe, or of Darfur, or of Burma, or even of China...
Read moreDetailsLight is a better disinfectant than revenge. Revenge merely leads to more revenge. Light causes permanent changes in the body...
Read moreDetailsFiorina is the ultimate icon of the Forbes Myth, the idea that business is all great men (and women) who...
Read moreDetailsAll this is Thabo Mbeki's doing. He has stood by passively while the world around him burned. He has imagined...
Read moreDetailsTim Russert was to journalism what Eva Peron was to Argentina. Everyone loved him in life and ignored the destruction...
Read moreDetailsThese have been evil days, presided over by a host of banal, evil men (and some women), yet they were...
Read moreDetailsWhen a government chooses not to listen, when a government chooses death rather than aid, it's a terrifying thing. When...
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