The job of leaders in a Moore’s Law society is to nurture as much talent as possible, and to give...
Read moreDetailsThe cause of today's trouble is the same as that of the Civil War, change happening at ludicrous speed, scaring...
Read moreDetailsCapitalism is better than communism. It’s past time to break MLS and let real competition flourish.
Read moreDetailsI’ll believe the promises of a company like Stable Diffusion only after their code is donated to something like Eclipse...
Read moreDetailsNo matter how restrictive the system, its leaders are always subject to the actions of their people.
Read moreDetailsFather Time is undefeated. You can’t have an unlimited draw from a limited pool. We must make choices.
Read moreDetailsWhat if Amazon offered used readers, in bulk, to people in states that are banning books, and in school districts...
Read moreDetailsAmerica lost the electric car war because America lost the battery war. America lost the battery war because China kept...
Read moreDetailsBeing a citizen in a democratic system takes a lot of time, a lot of energy, a lot of money,...
Read moreDetailsWe have made homes more liquid, easier to buy and sell. But those benefits should accrue only to the house...
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