Schwetak Patel ieems to think faster than he can talk, and talk faster than reporters interviewing him can type. He...
Read moreDetailsWhat’s depressing is that we’re just starting to understand how thought happens and how to model it. In both cases...
Read moreDetailsGetting people paid, and getting people taught, should be where the profits from Moore’s Law of Software are going. But...
Read moreDetailsThe cost of replacing oil with renewable power declines every day. New technology continues to come onto the market. At...
Read moreDetailsThe final balance of order and liberty is yet to be determined. This is what is at stake in the...
Read moreDetailsWe can’t have global Internet peace until we change our priorities, from focusing on regimes and territories to focusing on...
Read moreDetailsTrumpistan is shrinking, Techlandia is expanding, and if anything, biology is making the economy even more-centralized than it was before.
Read moreDetailsThere is no such thing as an unlimited draw from a limited pool of funds, and we just haven’t figured...
Read moreDetailsMoore's Third Law is that change is constantly accelerating, all kinds of change. We’re not ready for it, for any...
Read moreDetailsWe continue to destroy the wild places, the animals draw ever closer to our hearth fire, and they look to...
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