All these investments have a theme, specifically Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). Current geothermal plants drill a hole in the Earth...
Read moreDetailsWe would all like easy answers, but this is going to be a long, hard slog. The polymer from England...
Read moreDetailsConservatives should join the War Against Oil because it's an economic imperative. It's not just national security, it's profit.
Read moreDetailsWill we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor again? And if so, to what? To dealing with...
Read moreDetailsThe current crisis is a mirror image of the 1890s. It is its polar opposite. The trends, thanks to technology...
Read moreDetailsBecause Rice long ago broke down the walls separating disciplines, because it was necessary in order to do large projects...
Read moreDetailsWe have screwed up this planet most royally and it will take the work of many generations to undo the...
Read moreDetailsThis does not mean that nanotubes, or Buckytubes, are as dangerous as asbestos. It means that specific types of nanotubes...
Read moreDetailsWhen you're feeling hopeless about the current energy crisis, think about this. By simply changing motors and adding carbon nanotube...
Read moreDetailsIf ADHD is "the American disease," and ADHD has had so much to do with what makes America so wonderful,...
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