If we're serious about the War Against Oil, why aren't solar equipment manufacturers getting the same kind of incentives we're...
Read moreDetailsEthanol is alcohol. Ethanol produces energy by burning. Ethanol factories release carbon monoxide, methanol and some carcinogens at levels "many...
Read moreDetailsWe're not fighting the oil powers here, or the oil companies, or the oil countries. We're fighting oil, which has...
Read moreDetailsOnce you commit to a War Against Oil, then increases in the price of oil stimulate new investment. We can...
Read moreDetailsA mandatory set of targets, supported by a high and rising price floor for carbon-based energy, is the kind of...
Read moreDetailsFor over a century the goal has been productivity, units that could be counted. But when you're dealing with a...
Read moreDetailsIn rejecting the Culture War and taking up the War Against Oil, we must reject lessons learned over most of...
Read moreDetailsIn practical terms, this means that Buckytubes can be made to literally any length. It means they can be formed...
Read moreDetails"Life clearly evolved to store genetic information in a modular form, and to accept useful modules of genetic information from...
Read moreDetailsMoore's Third Law. The more complex chips get, the worse they get for the environment.
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