Harnessing the edge is a good thing, but it won’t create a problem until cloud demand slows. When it does,...
Read moreDetailsXi Jinping is Larry Ellison. He’s going to fail. He’s going to fall. Open source guarantees it.
Read moreDetailsThe fourth big technology trend of our decade will be Immersive Technology. Here's a guide.
Read moreDetailsLife is harder for this generation than it was for mine, unless you’re directly involved in technology or you’re an...
Read moreDetailsGetting people paid, and getting people taught, should be where the profits from Moore’s Law of Software are going. But...
Read moreDetailsBreaking up the Cloud Czars in the face of Moore’s Law is the dumbest idea ever.
Read moreDetailsThe Cloud Czars aren’t helpless. The global software industry employs millions of programmers. It can protect what it created. Trump...
Read moreDetailsWe can’t have global Internet peace until we change our priorities, from focusing on regimes and territories to focusing on...
Read moreDetailsSystems are the benefit you get adding blockchain to clouds, mobility and artificial intelligence. Under blockchain, money becomes an integrated...
Read moreDetailsIt’s easy to take freedom for granted, when it’s granted and seen as natural by everyone. It is when these...
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