If you have an ecosystem, a resistant network of inter-connected bodies helping each other, that's better than a monolithic entity.
Read moreDetailsInstead of talking about HP, Dell and Gateway, as we did in the 1990s, the big PC makers will be...
Read moreDetailsYou want a piece of me? You want a piece of The Goog? Well here I am, come and get...
Read moreDetailsWhat this all speaks to in terms of Google is the company's failure to monetize its advantages. Google needs to...
Read moreDetailsThe custodian for the new VistA system, the open source software that's supposed to replace what the Veterans Administration is...
Read moreDetailsIn many industries you don't just have a long tail of buyers, you have one of sellers, and by going...
Read moreDetailsAndroid market share peaked in March, and it's now headed down. The Apple iPad has something to do with it....
Read moreDetailsSuccessful open source start-ups are driven from the bottom-up, and are entrepreneurial at the top. HPCC is driven from the...
Read moreDetailsThe problem is the basic design. Head first java Keyboards and mice are now peripherals to the client computing experience.
Read moreDetailsWhat Open Ride needs now is a user community, and an American evangelist would be just the ticket for them.
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