Given the government's clear policy favoring open source, and the breadth of the patent's claims, my guess is Bedrock will...
Read moreDetailsGovernments, in both Europe and North America, have given official approval to the idea of Linux as free and open...
Read moreDetailsI think some rapprochement with Apache is called for, but because these guys have jobs, and employers, it should be...
Read moreDetailsWhat's really at issue is that i4i bought the French inventor (left) for its patent while Microsoft hired its XML...
Read moreDetailsJust as Marbury vs. Madison showed that the Supreme Court has real power, so vs. Oracle has shown that...
Read moreDetailsThe desktop has fallen to open source through Android, services have fallen through Facebook, the mainframe is falling through clouds,...
Read moreDetailsPJ really was doing “god's work,” regardless of how she was funded or who she was working with.
Read moreDetailsGNOME may have caught up to Windows 7 in many ways, but in an app world that no longer counts...
Read moreDetailsYou buy Verizon, you sell Verizon Wireless to Vodafone for most of the cost of the deal, then you turn...
Read moreDetailsDell could take the code base it has, get 10,000 Chinese programmers into a skunk works in Chengdu or Chungqing,...
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