Combine broader Internet pipes with real incentives to remake the energy market and not only will our nation turn around,...
Read moreThis is the kind of project any school child can do. The Web site which ran this project could be...
Read moreFocus on production and you address the real problems Americans face, on both Wall Street and Main Street. Production was...
Read moreJust as busts have causes, namely excess, so do booms, namely opportunity. This is the greatest business opportunity of our...
Read moreIt's like selling anything. Tell me what it means to me. Tell me what your product will change in my...
Read moreThere are a lot of energy saving, and energy producing ideas, which make no sense at $30/barrel but which make...
Read moreAl Gore has learned how to spin the straw of fame into the gold of influence, and from that to...
Read moreWe need to change our frame, change our focus, change our choice of weaponry, while maintaining the same sense of...
Read moreSo we'll have an alternative energy boom, then a drop in the oil price, and only then does the real...
Read moreWhen it comes to renewable energy potential, Hawaii is Kuwait. As our most-southerly state Hawaii has the most intense sunshine...
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