By sponsoring research, by juicing demand, by creating it through spending, government supports every capitalist economy. There is no pure...
Read moreDetailsI think Amazon Digital and Amazon Logistics, which would include the store, could easily be worth $3 trillion, combined, in...
Read moreDetailsOnline citizens are going to have to watch their backs and watch what we say. Freedom will be diminished. But...
Read moreDetailsIf Republicans want to take their party back from Trumpublicans, they can do it by ending, or at least reducing,...
Read moreDetailsBefore you invest in renewable energy today, you need to look ahead. You need to see if your costs are...
Read moreDetailsThe economics of abundance will define the 2020s. The need for human capital, for trained, empowered, and motivated brains, will...
Read moreDetailsHaving something to look forward to is the greatest blessing one can have at the end of our pandemic year....
Read moreDetailsPolitics follows the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules. Apple is now worth more than 10...
Read moreDetailsThe Republican Party is now the KKK party. The Republican Party is now devoted, heart and soul, to overturning the...
Read moreDetailsConservatives have found common cause with religious extremists. Liberals have found common cause with government control of the economy. Both...
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