So conservatives don't read Hofstadter because it's uncomfortable. Liberals don't read him because they're living in what he considers a...
Read moreDetailsIf the jockocracy thinks Republicans have lost their minds, it's because they have.
Read moreDetailsSome 40 years ago, the democracy of FDR faced the same kind of crisis, and had the same kind of...
Read moreDetailsIt's the biggest lie of the 20th century. Bigger than any whopper told by Hitler, or Stalin, or Mao Zedong....
Read moreDetailsRemember, we're looking for a seminal artist (doesn't have to be a singer) who was wildly popular at the start...
Read moreDetailsIt's the faltering-and-failing bit that today's Republicans don't get. It is this, more than anything else, we should fight to...
Read moreDetailsGarrison Keillor is now close to the age Bob Hope was back in 1966. Keillor is 64.
Read moreDetailsLieberman is an Anti-Thesis politician, so much so that in his latter career he has embraced and (often) even endorsed...
Read moreDetailsSo one person can do a lot more radio than TV. This makes them far more familiar with their audience...
Read moreDetailsAs a Senator Webb is likely to be moved from the left back to the right, becoming increasingly irrelevant as...
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