The point is that every new Thesis starts with a base vote, millions of people who feel they are not...
Read moreDetailsThe Democrats' response of either holding onto FDR's ghost or saying to hell with the world gave Nixon the political...
Read moreDetailsThis kind of apocalyptic rhetoric, designed specifically to intimidate, is not going to work. Any more than it worked for...
Read moreDetailsOne reason for the failure of Pearson and Pegler in their time, and for Broder in his, is that they...
Read moreDetailsIf it makes you feel better, think of Internet liberalism as political hip hop. Monster rock's days are numbered.
Read moreDetailsThe actions which define an era often take place at its end, even past its end, when a reaction against...
Read moreDetailsOf all these characters from our history, I've concluded that Obama is most like Jackson (stolen election leading to party-building,...
Read moreDetailsDuring a time of crisis there are many important things which can't be said without comedy. The assumptions underlying policy...
Read moreDetailsThe plain demographic fact is that if you're under 55 the so-called "baby boomer issues" which engendered the Nixon Thesis...
Read moreDetailsDid someone call us civilized?
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