As the number of people with e-bikes continues to rise, and as more people use them as transportation rather than...
Read moreDetailsAtlanta’s great success as a city came from desegregation, from giving everyone full access to what the city has to...
Read moreDetailsAs the e-transport revolution rolls on, speed limits are the key to progress. America is a suburban nation, where 35...
Read moreDetailsAn American suburb is a one-story affair. It grows into a city that way. People will “drive until they qualify,”...
Read moreDetailsI enjoy my e-bike, but I know 2024 was just one point in time, and that change is coming. In...
Read moreDetailsDebates about cities revolve around three prepositions, which have developed into two propositions. The prepositions are to, through, and around....
Read moreDetailsHistorically, we Americans have a habit of seeing adversaries as larger than they are, their weaknesses as strengths we should...
Read moreDetailsIt's MARTA, which claims to “serve” metro Atlanta, but doesn’t even serve the city. (Shown is the mostly-empty south parking...
Read moreDetailsWars are unhealthy for economies and other living things. Peace, even an uneasy peace, is healthier for the economy. This...
Read moreDetailsWith America choosing, stupidly, calling oil “energy” it’s time to admit that China won the War Against Oil. (Illustration from ChatGPT.)...
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