The key figures here are $1 and 50 cents. If you can deliver a hydrocarbon fuel for $1/gallon, from algae,...
Read moreDetailsAll that remains is to validate that Thesis, to validate those assumptions, to convince the media that the new majority...
Read moreDetailsHere is your future. Energy is free but labor is scarce. It's just the opposite of what most people are...
Read moreDetailsHere's what money doesn't understand. Dollars aren't votes. Dollars aren't speech. Dollars aren't hearts or minds. Dollars can be used...
Read moreDetailsThe belief, on Wall Street, K Street and in oil industry boardrooms, is that “the people” can be made to...
Read moreDetailsYou back losers because you don't want to miss the winner.
Read moreDetailsI don't want you to think that all the problems of DIY solar are solved. But the way is now...
Read moreDetailsThe costs of oil and gas are rising, even without accounting for the environmental damage they do. At the same...
Read moreDetailsCEO Tim Hassett said his Hybrid Plugin Electric Vehicle has patents on a technique for using heat pipes to turn...
Read moreDetailsEfficiency technologies create commodity deflation, just as Moore's Law created deflation in goods production and transport. The Austrian School not...
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