The answer is to start paying down debt. The answer is to start producing more goods. The answer is to...
Read moreDetailsAl Gore has learned how to spin the straw of fame into the gold of influence, and from that to...
Read moreDetailsWe need to change our frame, change our focus, change our choice of weaponry, while maintaining the same sense of...
Read moreDetailsSo we'll have an alternative energy boom, then a drop in the oil price, and only then does the real...
Read moreDetailsWhen it comes to renewable energy potential, Hawaii is Kuwait. As our most-southerly state Hawaii has the most intense sunshine...
Read moreDetailsTwo houses, both alike in dignity. Hillary Clinton, like Nixon before her, stands for the old AntiThesis. Barack Obama, on...
Read moreDetailsThe best we can do, moving quietly and stealthily, is see another decade of stagflation as in the 1970s. Each...
Read moreDetailsThe answer to too much debt, too many dollars, and not enough hydrogen energy is not to borrow more money...
Read moreDetailsDeflate the asset bubble, launch the War Against Oil, don't forget the psychology, and remember that honesty is an essential...
Read moreDetailsOn this blog I have laid down our previous Thesis, what I take to be our next Thesis, and have...
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