I would argue, in fact, that Apple is now starting to take the desktop market share Linux was long-expected to...
Read moreDetailsAll these views of freedom, in the end, come back to the Internet. The Internet isn't a place or a...
Read moreDetailsYou don't need grown-ups. The kids are alright. The kids who launched the thing weren't flukes. They had the right...
Read moreDetailsYou specialize in one subject all your life. You know only one set of assumptions for how things should proceed....
Read moreDetailsMoore's Law, as I see it, means that things get faster-and-faster faster-and-faster. You double four to get 8, you double...
Read moreDetailsConsensus is fairly rare, but it's the most transformative force our politics has.
Read moreDetailsFreedom at its heart is the assumption that given freedom men and women will use it wisely.
Read moreDetailsNow that the chip companies have got the message out, the PC makers should be following suit with new designs...
Read moreDetailsEnshrine these Internet values in law and you can have growth. Fail to do so, out of fear, and you...
Read moreDetailsCarol Shea Porter was out-spent 10-1 in a Democratic primary and won it. She was given no money by Rahm...
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